Holiday Recap

Holiday Recap


Holidays are some of my favorite times, because making memories with family is something you shouldn’t take for granted, especially during the holidays. At the beginning of November we went to Dallas for the Little Bipsy x Krista Horton Fiesta Friday. Which was so fun, and I will definitely throw up a recap up from that too. For Thanksgiving Day, normally we would go to my moms but instead we had everyone over at our house because my mom has been having some really terrible back pain. So we hosted and then we packed up and went to the lake house for the rest of the weekend. When December hit we dove right into my instagram 12 days of Kristamas, which I love so much!! Gifting is one of my favorite things so I love being able to give to some of my favorite people!!

Kampers Birthday

For Kampers Birthday we went to… you guessed it. DISNEYLAND. It really is the most magical place on earth. The kids absolutely love it. Besides the crowd, you really CAN’T be mad at Disneyland. We stayed at the Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel. It’s right there in Downtown Disney and so convenient. If kiddos need a nap, you can just walk right back to the hotel. We drove over to Orange County to spend the rest of the weekend at the beach before heading home. Once we got home, we all got sick so we just rested the week before Christmas. 


Watching all the kids wake up on Christmas Day is the best. Seeing them all so excited is such a great feeling. We have a ton of family over on Christmas Day. We are obviously so thankful to spend so much time with family.


Every year we do a big NYE pajama party at our house. But some of the kids came down with the stomach bug so we postponed it so we didn’t get anyone sick. We’re so ready for the New Year and to see what this year holds for all of us. 


My Little Bipsy Kollab


Brumate Cups x Krista Horton