1st Trimester: Pregnancy Q&A

1st Trimester: Pregnancy Q&A

We’re having a baby! I’m pregnant! Answering some pregnancy questions below for ya (it’s basically a recap from our Q&A in stories)! We are SO grateful for your prayers, well wishes, and love and so excited to share this all with you!

1st Trimester: Pregnancy Q&A

Q: What is your due date?

A. December 14th!

Baby was measuring 4 days ahead last ultrasound but that could always change day by day! I was 3.5 weeks early with Boston and 2 weeks early with Kolly so I’m curious to see when this little one comes!

Q: When did you find out?

A: We found out in March, shortly after my missed period. We were definitely trying so I was paying attention to my periods to know if I was late. I wasn’t tracking the exact days of my periods because I didn’t want to stress too much about it but I knew I was at least a few days late.  

We got back from our vacation at the end of January and started trying and it didn’t happen that first month but the second month of trying worked! Which is actually what happened with Boss, it didn’t happen the first month, but it happened the second. And then Kolly was a complete surprise...I didn’t know I was pregnant with her until I was 9 or 10 weeks because I was still nursing Boss so I really didn’t have a period!

NIPT blood test

Q: Are you finding out the gender?

A: Yes! It’s a BOY!! The kids got their wish and Bryce cried, which never happens! We did the NIPT blood test through the doctor which is 99% accurate.

Kolly will be 5 and Boss will be 7 when this little guy is born so I’m super excited to see the dynamic between all of them! I think Boss & Kolly will be a lot of help! Still undecided on a fourth baby (well I take that back...I’m undecided but I’m pretty sure bryce has decided that he’s good with 3 ). I just know how close Boss & Kolly are (they’re only 23 months apart) so I feel like this dude will need a sibling close in age to him too!

Q: How are you feeling?

A: Typical morning sickness but nothing too bad. Almost same exact symptoms I had with my other pregnancies. Nauseous here and there, some dry heaving (I’ve never thrown up during my pregnancies), super tired and so lethargic! I’ve gotten some of my energy back in the last couple weeks which is such a relief!

Krista pregnant

Q: Do you have any names picked out?

A: We want to stick with either a B or K name!

We had a name for a girl that I have wanted for a long time, but not one for a boy (there’s one we are leaning towards but haven’t decided for sure yet) - anyone have any cute ones!!??

I am not sure if we are going to share once we decide or wait until baby is born but we will keep you posted!

Q: What is your idea for the nursery?

A: We will probably be converting the playroom into the nursery but I haven’t thought much about it and let’s be real...our kids don’t sleep in their own rooms anyway. 

family couch cuddles

Q: Where you nervous after the miscarriage to carry or not be able to get pregnant again?

A: Yes! Very! think you always have a little bit of nervousness after miscarrying. A few people had told me they weren’t able to carry another baby of their own after being a surrogate so I knew it was a risk but I was 100% willing to take that risk for my sister to have a baby. We really just gave it up to God, and here we are!

 Super thankful it all worked out the way it did!

Q: Do you have any cravings?

A: It’s literally something new almost every day. Chocolate milk one day, subway the next, cherry pie another day, and Arby’s the next. Nothing consistent. Although the chocolate diet Pepsi’s lasted for a good week in the beginning!

I cannot thank you all enough for all the positivity and excitement with this pregnancy! I am so excited to have another little mama’s boy to love on! I really can’t imagine another little boy being sweeter than my Boss man but even if he’s half as sweet, that’s still a win!

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